Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Sherbrooke city in July is filling up with tourists, and all sorts of artisans displaying their ware. On Wellington sud (south) there is a show of Sherbrooke artists displaying their works. Many buildings show beautiful pieces of creativity in paintings and story telling of the life in Sherbrooke city. It is far more appeasing than seeing graffiti with nonsensical rebellion, boredom scribbled on it. I had wanted to go today with my camera, and see the art work in person as I viewed them yesterday on the Sherbrooke cities web-page;
but after the blue skies left it started raining again. It's raining so hard I could barely think as it pounds down hard on my slanted windows in my bedroom. It rained and thunder stormed yesterday too. I was out there with Marley watching it, I love storms.
This summer weather is proving to be dismal to say the least, if one compares it to last year when the air conditioners ran none stop it was so hot out. My electrical bill is the one thing I am profiting from this summer as they have been barely turned on.
Waking up to mornings like this is deceiving as the weather now changes on a dime.
The FĂȘte du Lac des Nations has started with 3 stages for music it's their 36th edition followed up with a fireworks competition. They'll be inflated games for children and art and craft sections as well as an amusement park. This year it started the 18th of July and goes on until the 23rd  http://fetedulacdesnations.com/en/  for those of you who want to attend next year. I almost considered going, Ziggy Marley was playing on the 22rd. Normally I never go to them, loud music and crowds aren't really my thing anymore. Although I was considering going to the Jazz festival in Montreal with a flask of tequila in hand, but my plans to hook up with someone fell through and I am not big on going it alone.
Lac Nation is going to be closed off so you can no longer walk around the lake along the train tracks where the merchant shops are. due to the concerts and fireworks. But the market itself is always so busy in that area with the fresh produce from local farmers that are all set up, along with their specialty sauces and syrups. I love going into the merchant shops to see what they have, buy a coffee or something and sit outside watching the ducks. They even have a terrace like pub for those who want a alcohol beverage.
Every night so far this week (18th on)  there has been fireworks out of Jacques Cartier park where most of all the action takes place. A desperate plea to firework makers 'start making silent fireworks' Not only does it scare wildlife, pet owners pets, but the elderly on medication it agitates them, and there's people like me who live far enough away from the display but still clearly hears them, it scares the bu gees-gees out of me and Marley; especially if I am dozing off at about 10:pm, I lead such an exciting life, LOL and the fireworks they echo in the sky beside my window. I don't even get the joy of seeing the fireworks because of the maple tree blocking my view. LOL
But seriously a town in Italy is now using silent fireworks we must do the same. How do I petition for this I wonder?...
There is a beach that I want to get too called Plage Lucien-Blanchard Turn left onto Prom. du Lac-Des-Nations then turn a slight left and then a right and you'll have arrived at the beach. 819 821 1919  
 It's open until late August. I am hoping to figure out those directions myself and bike over and feel the sand between my toes. 
My bedroom is really large for a bedroom. I have my double bed on the one side of the wall  facing a slanted window, the other window is behind me although I can see it if I look into the closet door mirror. My night stand on the left,  has two shelves a short one and a long one. I have a box I bought at the dollar store made out material underneath it to place my Kleenex box, creams and such discretely under it. I have square wicker garbage can under there too a friend from Knowlton gave me. A blue lamp sits on the smaller shelf of the night stand along with a glass container filled with water with a round knob like cover, it's suppose to be for wine but I have two of them, second one is in a box in storage. I have a oblong wicker basket under the second shelf of the night stand, it sits on a crocheted flowery pink white and green cloth, that an elderly lady who took a shine to me when I was a cook and security personnel at an old age home out in Lac Brome area. The basket is filled with mix match items, like cat brush, nail clipper, nail file a second iphone I like to turn it on and play back gammon with it, and it holds other stuff too. A tall vanilla battery operated scented candle my birth mum gave me. and some photos of me and my daughter. To my right of me I have white wicker table with a glass top that is covered in a pale beige and various blues, it a  checkered cloth. I have plants that sit on it. To the right of that is wooden plant stand with a marble top and huge plant sits on it that produces tall white flowers with green what you mu calls it inside. I don't know the name of that plant. To the right of that plant I have a tall wooden book shelf filled with books and knick knacks. Further in front of it on an angle I have a rocking chair with a feet rester in front of it and a table beside the chair to rest a plant a picture and mug of something if wanted. Along the wall facing the other book shelf I have my guitar kitty corner and then another black book shelf filled too of books and photo albums. My walls are full of art work and family photos and the back ground is painted in this pale, pale green with a shiny wooden floor, it's very pleasant, I'd say cozy to be in here. Before my round table I have a wooden door closet with mirrors, I keep it slightly ajar as Marley likes to be in there especially if a stranger comes to the door she growls like a dog and then goes and hides; so I put Bear's dog bed in there for her, the cover comes off and is machine washable. The closet is long inside and filled with suitcases and Christmas decorations and the tree so I don't have to keep going into the basement storage room to lug everything up and then back down again. I am a creative lazy person.
The rain has stopped and a pale blue sky adorns the sky with big fluffy white clouds again; Marley is sleeping on my spring and fall shawl I just washed yesterday and hung it on a folded wooden chair that I use to put in front of the door that leads to the balcony off the front room, she likes to stand on it and look out the window of the door. My garden photos this morning were quite productive as I brought out my camera with my coffee to enjoy and inspect everything. The bees were busy buzzing and flying past me to get in and around the flowers.
The cherry tomato has more baby green buds growing and the larger tomato just started flowering.
The zucchini leaves are huge, I am convinced that's what is growing now.
The radishes however are not fairing well, I think the packaging was mislabeled as they are blossoming tall flowers even their bottoms are the color of radishes would be better if they had fattened up. weird, but I like flowers so no big loss.
I changed the gate to keep Marley in, it has smaller gaps in it and so Marley can't put her head in it and it's taller too.
 While trying to take photos of the flowers growing in my flower box hanging in front of my table I sit at it was proving quite challenging, the camera kept distorting the close up. I can't say I am a fan of this Olympus camera, I miss my Fuji camera that could take great action shots and didn't mind close ups. When I finally got some reasonably acceptable ones after pointing the camera in various angles, I looked up to notice a male neighbor hanging out the apartment window had been watching me. Oh joy...LOL
Where the CDN flag hangs there is another long flower box, but with the tall tree there it is hard to notice it in a photograph, I find. The black handles on the railing are the only indicator that it is there, and I have a round flower pot attached to one the handles with those multi purpose plastic sticks that I now swear by they are so handy. The middle flowers are all still green and will eventually flower yellow petals. 
Last year I had Japanese beetles, I think that's what they are called, attacking them. It must of been the heat that brought them out I never had that problem before it was causing such havoc in my garden and also in my birth mum's garden too. She was spraying her mini roses with a garlic dish soap mix. I saw some mating on my basil leaves last year. urgh...
I am always fussing and changing the balcony activity and added a waterproof cloth to the table and gave it some depth.
I love this glass frog that sits on a lily pad and lights up that my birth mum gave me. 
Marley earlier was spying a creepy crawly on the balcony and was ready to give it chase, every one once in awhile I'll see her jump up in the air to catch something flying by. This picture was taken before I changed the gate and moved more pots around. 
The peas have grown very tall but have stopped producing and are turning yellow leaves. They are usually the first to go and the pot emptied and put aside. But this year I planted seeds to it a month after the first crop was growing and I am hoping to have a second crop as they are still growing and climbing on the out side of the first crop. Sure enough I spotted white flowers and a tiny pea pod growing.
The last minute arrival of the flower box put up where Marley wants to jump over to reach the stairs is doing alright. Now the middle flowers had to be replaced they didn't make it but the surrounding ones are still growing and holding their own.
I used to be involved with this group called the #Unitygroupof montreal. They are an organization that are fighting for Anglo rights in Quebec. 
They want to see more bilingualism and rid us of the OQLF that causes many headaches for business owners. The OQLF also funds a website that promotes French which is fine and wonderful if they didn't tell folks on their web site to keep their knowledge of English in their head and not to speak it, (Guess they forget, we do get English speaking tourists). For awhile I maintained the Unity group's twitter account and posted whatever their founder did on Facebook; I was often flooded with poisonous words attacking me and belittling the efforts of the #Unitygroup. Die hards with a twisted understanding of our Charter of Rights. Trolls they call them. Not everyone is on board with the laws governing Quebec and the mass exodus of 300, 000 people who left because of it, says it all. Quebec has been through some dark times, and make no mistake about it, it isn't the people; but those who govern and manipulate, they have no interest in uniting the people they serve, which what is causing all the discord. It took politics to change the course of Quebec and it will take politics to level it out to a more harmonious co existence, fingers crossed.
In the meantime there are plenty or ignorant, racist souls on all sides and it will take time and patience to work within the system that we have in place before positive changes come about. I left the #Unitygroupofmontreal because being an Empath I don't have the stomach for constant negative energy from within the group and outside forces. The poison was disturbing me and was unhealthy for me personally. I am playing at activism in small steps now an email here or there but that is it for me. I did read the book written by Saul Alinsky 'Rules for Radicals' he wrote it in 1971. He was a recommended read by Murray Levine a lone activist that can often be seen in and around West Island protesting something or another. Just Google 'Something rotten' and articles and such will pop up about his causes. So I understand this much, that you have to work within the system to bring about change and the road is long.
 Ghandi said ' Be the change  you want to see in the world'. 
 I noticed that I am far too sensitive and I get caught up deeply in injustices like a warrior in my case going no where fast; but it's the battling and fending off all the negativity, the whining and complaining, misunderstandings that just did me in. I agree that everyone is entitled to their feelings and opinions but if you have to gas light and insult your opposition then I draw the line at engaging as much as possible. 'Knowledge is power and I know how to use it', attitude, only gets you half way, it's class and respect that gets you to the finish line.
So I will do what I can quietly behind the scenes; stand up and be outspoken when I need to be while hoping to see Quebec great again and with all of us pretty much on the same page, family, economy, prosperity, and human rights for all. 
I know, I'm a dreamer. 
...'You Stupid little dreamer'  Supertramp 1974 
...'It just takes one to stand up and say something', my song in 2009
 ...' all we need is love, dah,dah dah,dah,dahhh'- Beatles 1967 written by John Lennon. 
...'kum ba ya my lord, kum ba ya' written in 1920. 
...'What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding'? written by Nick Lowe 1974. 
sung by Elvis Costello in 1979.
The first concert I ever went to I was 16 yrs old it was at the old forum on Atwater and St.Catherine street in downtown Montreal; and I saw Peter Framptom comes alive. And boy did he ever. I don't remember who was on before him, but it put me to sleep. Then Peter stepped on the stage and I woke up excited and amazed, I never heard a guitar do that before it was the most fantastic thing to me. My next concert was Queen I was in love with Freddy Mercury until I realized he played for the other team. But that only stopped the crush not the talent that had me hooked for more. I must have everything he ever recorded. The best showman ever and what a voice. He'd still give anyone a run for their money on entertainment today if the poor sod was still around with us. Quality and lyrics you can't beat that. I was into Led Zepplin, Supertramp, CCR, Van Morrison, Jim Morisson, BTO, Elvis Costello, Kiss, Styx, Billly Idol, Chrissy Hines, Heart, Joan Jett, Fleetwood Mac, Grace Slick, Pat Benatar, Janis Joplin, Kate Bush, Marianne Faithful, the Supremes, Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin, Joni Mitchel. oh there's more I could on and on; and these guys knew how to put on a show and the lyrics were as good as their music.I still listen to them all, timeless rock, blues and jazz classics. Shout out to Bob Marley introducing me to Regee. Love it...
Last nights dinner will be this night's left overs. I made a vegetable curry dish. It's so easy to make and so healthy and filling.
The vegetables can be a mix of frozen and fresh, whatever you've got.
I grated some cabbage,
chopped some onions, 
 melted some butter and a wee bit of olive oil
threw those in first, 
some grated turnip
celery chopped,
and set aside frozen broccoli and cauliflower
and frozen green beans, carrots, corn and peas
while they the others cooked on low to medium heat
when they looked sufficiently cooked
 I threw the defrosting frozen 
veggies in and let them all simmer for a bit and kept stirring.
then I added some salt, generously shook in garlic powder, turmeric and medium curry spice and a dash of Cayenne pepper, 
Then I added some previously cooked up chick peas that I had soaked over night and then cooked up in the morning. 
kept stirring and lowering the heat, 
now it needs some liquid or it would be to dry in taste. 
I've done it a couple ways. 
add butter in the pan, a table spoon of whole wheat flour and mix the two, then add milk stirring and all the spices and veggies get mixed in or add vegetable stock and water instead. At the end of either one that I chose to go with;
 I then
chopped up fresh parsley growing in my window sill 
and added fresh ground pepper, a quick mix and then poured some in a bowl. ( If I have some fresh tomatoes I add some, chopped up at the end, along with the black pepper and parsley)
Sometimes I take a whole wheat pita bread out of the freezer and scoop the veggies up in it and eat it that way 
or just with the spoon and no bread at all. 
I get my fruit mix in the morning. I buy a bag of frozen mix of blackberries, blueberries, raspberries,strawberries and cherries. It's my during the week morning meal, on the weekends I like my eggs and pumpernickel bread. I make a big batch of oatmeal with sugarless shredded coconut,
a dash salt in the water ,
throw all that in and once the oatmeal is cooked
I turn off the temperature,
I sprinkle generously some cinnamon
and then throw all the frozen fruit in on the top
and close the lid letting is sit
 let it cool down warming up the fruit slowly
and it adds some moisture to the oatmeal,
stir and serve.
For the next three or four mornings I just have to heat the already made oatmeal  up for breakfast, easy peasy.
Well that's it for now, I leave next week for Montreal and then St. Jerome, I hope to see my friend from Trois Rivere before I leave, she was the first friend I made here in Sherbrooke city before she moved away for school. I hope to have some interesting tales to tell. Here's a little video of my life the early years I put together to go along with this song I wrote last week. Hope you like it Cheers!     
I'm so broken hearted written by  ©LeeMarie
It’s broken, my heart is broken
Close the curtain, block the sky
I don’t want to know that the sun is out.
Curled up in a ball is where I want to stay,
Let me be the pain it aches and aches.
No, no, no I, I just can’t get over it.
The memories are so raw,
Visions of you dance in front of me.
I can still see the sparkle in your eyes.
The beauty in your smile
The joy you spread around like sunshine.
Now half of me feels gone,
 I feel so lost without you.
How am I supposed to live without you?
How am I supposed to carry on?
I’m so broken hearted.
There’s no smile upon face,
Let it rain and rain and rain
To match the flow of tears that I have cried
Fall down on my knees
Begging oh please let this all be a bad dream.
Wake up, wake up
 I can’t catch my breath,
It chokes me,
Every time I think you.
I can’t go back and I can’t move on
No, no, no I, I just can’t get over it.
It plays on like a loop
All I see is our life together
Now half of me feels gone,
 I feel so lost without you.
How am I supposed to live without you?
How am I supposed to carry on?
I feel so broken hearted
                        Until next time stay active, steadfast and true to you
                                                   Cheers xo

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