Thursday, December 28, 2017

Christmas season

Snow is falling for the second time here, in Sherbrooke city. Blanketing all the areas in white, just in time for the Christmas season; and for other holidays, celebrated around the same time of the year.
Rain, is expected, to take over today and the two should be interchanging, on and off all day. 
Traveling to work by bus Friday back, should be challenging. 
In November, I picked up some contract work, in marketing, trained enough, I will eventually graduate, to working at home; at least that’s the end game for me, as I expressed it so to the operating manager, who hired me. I continue to do other internet marketing work, at home, but this one I need to travel in for. 
What is now, so magical, about the bus ride to and fro, is the decorations of lights and such. I see it on almost every home and every business this year. There are now lights that are programed to follow a certain pattern like, there should be music accompanying them. Its the latest models that I've seen, quite unique really makes me stare over for more of the view.
 I feel like a little kid, marveling in, 'ah', and in delight, at the lite up houses. There are lights around their roof sidings, windows, banisters, and lawns. Their lite up deer, snowmen, Santa clauses and such, all displaying happiest of faces. Outdoor tree lights, in the multi colors; ribbons draped around, do-dad's, assorted ornaments, spreading joy. 
On the street of Claire-Jolicoeur and McManny, this 2 storey, little white house; is so decorated up. Appearing larger then their actual home. Their lawn adorned and on the house itself; its almost a masterpiece, of fantastic Christmas tales, of our childhood traditions all lined around. 

The snow fallen', has added that special touch. It has drawn out the atmosphere most seeked for; as the spirit of Christmas starts to settle in nice. 
It does't matter how old you are Christmas, can be as delightful as your imagination allows, drawing out, the big kid, in me.
I have my, fake tree up; 
living in an apartment I cannot by law, have a real one. 
The lights are up wrapped around it; but I have not yet to decorated it.  I plan to change that this weekend; with some eggnog and Christmas music, to accompany me by. 
The wreath is up, with lights wrapped around it; hanging from my living room window, I've attached a red ribbon, made of felt material; to accompany the hanging switches, to the battery operated boxes.  The kitchen window has its own battery, colored lights hanging.
 All around the living room door frame, along to the living room window frame, I placed red lights. 
That one stays up all year long.
It was just easier that way, rather than, bring them down every year. Plus their cool on, any time of the year, it's the cover over the lights that make it possible.
 This week, is the last week to shop, 
my list, buy my turkey leg, bread for stuffing, sweet potatoes, green beans, corn, turnip, cranberries, and of course fruit cake, not to mention wine, brandy for the eggnog. 
Bless, I'll be all set, to eat, drink and watch tons of my favorite Christmas movies.


I got this recipe from Chatelaine magazine.
Homemade eggnog
4 eggs, lightly beaten (or 1 cup pasteurized eggs)
1 cup 3.25% milk
1/4 cup 35% cream
1/4 cup granulated sugar
3 tbsp bourbon optional
1 tsp vanilla
Freshly grated nutmeg for serving
POUR eggs into a medium bowl. Set aside.
HEAT milk with cream, sugar and bourbon in a medium saucepan set over medium-high, stirring occasionally. When mixture starts to bubble, remove from heat. Pour half of milk mixture into eggs, whisking constantly. Pour back into saucepan and whisk constantly until hot, about 1 min. Stir in vanilla.
Set over ice bath to cool immediately. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
 Serve over ice (optional), topped with freshly grated nutmeg.
*Lightly cooked eggs are generally safe to eat but shouldn't be served to people with compromised immune systems. If concerned, buy pasteurized eggs, like Egg Creations, to use instead.
VARIATIONS you can add the following too if you'd like:
Candy cane eggnog: Add 1 tsp peppermint extract along with vanilla. Continue with recipe.
Chocolate eggnog: Instead of milk and cream, use 11/4 cups 1% milk. Add 1/2 cup chopped dark chocolate with sugar and bourbon to milk mixture. Continue with recipe.
Skinny eggnog: Use 1% milk instead of 3.25%. Continue with recipe.
Dairy-free eggnog: Substitute almond milk for 3.25% and coconut milk for cream. Continue with recipe.
Candy Cane Icing: Beat 1/2 cup butter with 11/2 cups icing sugar, 1/4 cup Candy Cane Eggnog, 1/2 tsp peppermint extract, 1/4 tsp nutmeg and 1/8 tsp salt. Spread on cupcakes or between cake layers.

In November of this year; the Landlord, was suppose to, put up, the winter panels on my balcony. But, the day he chose to do so, it was too windy, to do it The next morning, I woke up, to a huge mess, on my balcony. It had blown everything, off the tables and all the surrounding items in front of door. There was soil and containers everywhere.

Rain was coming down hard that day and then suddenly I see a double rainbow.
The storm stopped and clouds started to show the sun trying to break through
 The geese flew by heading south

Gratefully, the winter panels, are now up and the mess cleared, everything back in it's place. I wasn't happy, at first, about the winter panels. The first year, I moved in here; almost 5 years ago. I thought it would take away my beautiful mountain, rooftop view and those pretty lights that I see at night, and it does.

But it turns out the landlord, knew what he was doing, it could very well save my life, trying to go down those stairs, during a windy storm. 
Some mornings I am blessed enough to wake up to these fantastic sunrises like this one

I still have my visiting little friends who need a extra helping hand 
Marley always knows before I do that they are coming.
 Being so high up I can see the action in the sky.

A little video of end of October, of this year. When I met the friend of the Landlord who was considering purchasing it for his twins attending university in the future. So I walked around familiarizing myself with other buildings on other streets, close by; that could offer the same if not better than what I've got to live in.

Christmas means different things to different folks. Its a wonderful time, a positive, cognitive time, for some a magically belief in something, an honor ceremony for others. It has evolved, into what one can comfortably live with, a creative like spin into, often classified as, ‘tradition’ done enough times.  Which is what I performed Friday night at 9:30pm. My last day of work, where I took buses and saw all the pretty lights, hickory do-da-ds on their lawns, balconies and such. Three or more weeks off until operations are back, in full swing and more contracts a gotten. In the meantime, 
I have other things to focus my time on, but I have to say, I was enjoying that extra $$ that led to being able to start cross things off my in order of priority list. Patience my dove, it will come back again, soothing words to a transitional phase and acceptance.

A beer in hand, I turned on all my battery operated Christmas lights, one on the kitchen window frame, the wreath in the living room window. The little Christmas tree on my table surrounded my all the Christmas cards received, loved them; I did well this year, so appreciative. Then turned on to the last one of lights, the Christmas tree in my spacious bedroom. I’ll be able to see it clearly when I enter the living room, while in bed or sitting in my arm chair.  It posses a long enough cord that allows it, to let me slide the Christmas tree, in front of my bedroom entrance; while receiving a guest (s). I hung a sliding curtain, to add more privacy, a while back. It just came to me, one day; followed through, brilliant idea. Used one of my garden, slender, long stick, washed the wood clean. Found amongst my curtain stash, a long, bright white, embroidery flowers of soft green and pink on top as a second stage, adorning like fringe; the curtain invites partial or full coverage. 

I lift the Christmas boxes off the floor and place them on my bed. Christmas music playing on my computer, ‘I am dreaming of a white Christmas, Bing Crosby, one my favorites. All the snow has helped make it feel so full on, and the merriment beer, is helping to keep it so. I start picking up a piece at a time, my ornaments and caricatures. I hung all 4 varied size boxes of decorations up; glancing outside every now and then at at snow covered trees, mountains and roof tops,  a white night sky. 
At 5:00 pm earlier, I was waiting for a bus on Alexandra Street not far from Aberdeen. I saw snowflakes falling on and off all day. It set the scene for the whole town; making everything seen, along the journey, extra touching. The streets light shone revealing large snowflakes, for a time. I was standing near a train track that no longer functions as one. A black, metal bench, covered in snow; sitting in front of an abandon, empty commercial building, that might have been a dep. I can’t remember the sign. 

I took, the first bus that came, knowing, I had to walk six blocks to get to my destination; if I got on it. Nevertheless, my feet had been standing for over 20 minutes; and I was beginning to feel anxious, to get the work started dusted and done and I needed to feel like I was helping myself, to get there to do it.
 I take this particular bus, to get back home, as it lets me off 2/1/2 blocks from it. 
So seeing this route going to, provided me a new view of all the decorations twinkling, all the snow made the shine that much more spectacular, it was quite something.
 The bus, was challenged, while descending the steeped hills, and turns, as black ice were forming in different patches.  I almost slipped 3 times this day; groceries were fetched, three hours earlier. 

I laid out chips and sour cream, I was coming to the tail end of decorating,. I have the candy canes, that I leave for last and no tinsel too messy. I start to sing 'oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree how lovely are your branches.'  I marvel at my picture perfect tree and the memories collected over years displaying their glee. I feel a broad smile of my approval. 
I turned down the music and brought up another player adding all my Christmas animations and dragging a movie in-between each two. My first movie in the player list was the animation of Dr.Seuss ‘how the Grinch stole Christmas’ followed by Charlie Brown. I feel asleep during something, I don’t know what. Woke up at around 6:am, stumbling about, heading for the bathroom. Christmas with Magoo, was playing, as I crawled back to sleep, until 10:am . I busied myself with the soaked chickpeas and prepared them to be cooked. Dishes were washed as the kettle boiled for coffee. I took out the veggies for spaghetti sauce and heated up the black cast iron pan. I chopped up the veggies lightly frying them. I began adding spices of basil, thyme, parsley, chopped garlic, cinnamon, chili pepper, paprika, and stirred in each one adding more butter to gently soften the flow. I put on the lid on and turn the cooking off to let sit. The snow was falling moderately fast, again; the radio playing Christmas music chosen from hosts, of CBC radio.

I busied myself, tiding up my desk in the living room, of holiday card preparations, and stacked the office papers, that need my attention to one side, noting to myself, a Tuesday task.  I was waiting for the chickpeas to finish cooking; I needed that pot for the sauce. I watered my plants and took away any of the dead leaves, looked around, for anything, that needed picking up from the floor and straighten up, around me. Now, as I was adding, the tomatoes to the pan and scooped out all the cooked veggies. The Choir from Carnegie hall, was finishing, Opera began playing. Marley, jumped up on the stool, I looked at her as I chopped up some mushrooms, added them on top, stirred it into the sauce, and let it cook on low all day with the lid slight ajar. I scratched the top of Marley's head, asking her if she wanted something to eat, and she meowed a response. I reach for her dry and moist food and gave a little of bother in little bowl and it down for her; she jumped down and walked over giving it an inspection before taking a bite.
It was by this time, 1:pm and I have not yet eaten. So in the pan I cooked chopped up onion, potato, and mushrooms, poured 2 whisked eggs and made an omelet with toasted cheese bread; fresh from the bakers up the street on King. 
I watched a Christmas movie ‘The Holiday’as I ate.
 I discovered later on that late afternoon as I pulled out the an un-opened eggnog and sighed; I never went down the steep hill to the SAQ near Depot street and fetched the dark Brandy I wanted. I noticed the date of expiration was Feb.3rd so I put it back in the fridge, thinking, next weekend... My eye spied, upon closing the fridge door, the bottle of beer. I bought the other night, was never polished off, in full. I pulled it out of the door handle and a light bulb idea went off in my head. I pulled out the eggnog carton, grabbed a large red wine glass out, and poured some 10.7% alcoholic beer in up a quarter levels; added the eggnog, grated in lots of nutmeg, gently stirred the concoction up with a dessert fork. I took a timid sip and licked my lips. Laughing, cheers to the universe, bob’s your uncle, here’s mud in your eye, hip, hip, hip, hooray. And nestled in and watched scrooge with Jim Carey and Colin Firth, stuffed myself with spaghetti and feel asleep at around 9:pm or so.                      

 It’s five am, Ive the Christmas lights, turned back on; it’s still dark outside. On to my second cup of coffee, I added eggnog on the bottom; of a bone china, tea cup. Painted in Irish green and gold, it’s delicious.             

I have some very fond memories while growing up; there was a time when it was made to feel magical. All the visuals, the decorations, the different bought or handmade calendars, revealing chocolates,  or little toys, hand painted backgrounds handmade candy wreaths, with scissors to cut the candy down. cooking smells, an air of excitement always brewed up a delightful reaction.                                                                                
Christmas time written by  ©LeeMarie                                                                            
My mother would sew all my doll clothes 
and encouraged me 
to play with them. 
She’d, make every holiday, 
fun in some special way, 
until the age of 10

Enjoying the sounds of our squeals. 
She’d, bake all day, 
Design all night. 
See the pretty wreaths, 
adorned with shiny ribbons, 
there’s even candies tied on each end. 
I’d smell the short bread cookies, 
mince meat pies. 
Fruitcakes soaking in cheesecloth filled with rum. 
I spied the fudge made with whiskey, 
Hiccup, from taking one. 
Rows upon rows, of gingerbread men 
lying there looking so yummy. 
Hark, I’d here choir boys sing their songs,
 I swear I heard angels sing along, 
 As my mother told fantastical tales of Christmas times. 
At the stroke of midnight 
I’d hear jingle, jingle, jingle bells. 
In my sleepy eyed state, I’d hear a distant voice calling. 
‘wake up sleepy head. Santa’s on his sleigh, 
Hurry, Hurry now he’s about to part’. 
Running to the window, 
my face pressed up against the glass I ‘m, wildly, 
looking for the reindeer. 
I see something, 
nothing. Alas, I have missed them. 
My mother gives me my stocking as a consolation starter. 
Hark, I’d here choir boys sing their songs,
 I swear I heard angels sing along, 
As my mother told fantastical tales of Christmas times.                                                                 
I have  to run off to the shops later, for the last minute items and some wine. The plan is breakfast, bath, dress and go, before too many of the others' are thinking the same.  The sun is shining, making the snow glisten under its spell. The play list has David Bowie and Bing Cosby finishing up, John Lennon and Yoko Ono's on background vocals, 'so, this is Christmas and what have you done? another year over. A new one just began'.
I seem to be struggling; I can’t get any of my USB pictures to upload off any of my cell, camera, nor memory stick. I’ll have to check if a drive is malfunctioned, it does have me puzzled. 
I plan on dinner, wine and movies, for this evening's activities, as we head into Christmas day. Snow is fore-casted so a magical feel, will make the moments tonight, just right. Cheers! Stay safe...

Wishing you all a
Merriest of memories made
May it be filled with 
Merriment and song.
Bless everyone with
Peace and Harmony
Prosperity and Health
Hearts filled with Love 
and Joy all around.
Merry Christmas, 
Joyeux Noel
Christmas has come and gone and it feels like -26 Celsius or colder, has now settled into Sherbrooke city and surrounding areas. Chimney smoke is swirling around with the wind, the sky is blue as blue can be, pigeons are traveling in packs of 20 as they huddle on the hydro line trying to stay warm and fed at the same time. I am nestled in, grateful to be safe, and warm. My agenda other than paper work and fixing the numerous things that suddenly went wrong with this computer. I am getting the message I need a new one.
With the cold, bear like temperatures outside; I decidedly require nothing that cannot wait until the warmish weather comes by or Sunday, whichever comes before New Year’s Eve. Books, drawing, movie watching, is on the list of indoor wintry things to do, and until I get me some honey or sugar, there is no hot brews to go with it. 
 Life is still good, in every way. Blessed

Happy New Year
May your hearts be larger
Your thoughts be kinder
May you stay positive
and made to feel stronger
May each day your rise be remembered
as a brand new start
May you have many blessings
Enjoying each moment that 2018 brings
Peace, Love and Joy to you all XO
Until Next time, stay active, steadfast and true to you. Cheers!

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