Sunday, October 8, 2017

Sherbrooke city has turned yellow, red and green. There has been so much rain lately that leaves are floating off and landing onto the ground forming a scattered painted look of color.
Students have returned back to school, but the heat of 28 C or more has everyone out at night trying to cool off and partying heartily seems to be for some of them the proper solution. Cars can be heard screeching around and motor cycles are still roaring by so very familiarly.  If  some are like me they jumped the gun and pulled all the air conditioners out and placed away and are now suffering under the fans that only twirl the heat around from side to side. Working up here is on the third floor is barely bearable. Every time I leave the office for a drink or a meal I shut the computer down to cool  it self off. When I'd go outside on the balcony to enjoy the outdoors, bringing my sketch pad for inspirational drawing, though when I start dripping sweat I chase myself and Marley back in to the fans in my office space. I don't by any means want to complain because Fall temperatures are around the corner where coats and hats are back in the repertoire.  At one point I had moved one of the bird feeders under the roof as it rained so much it ruins the bird seeds, it's a mess to clean out the glued together seeds. There was a flutter of activity even the squirrel got in on the action as the seeds fell into my flower pot. I have moved it back since the warm weather.
The fruit and vegetable stand at Lac des Nations was still selling their ware until the last week of September. Hotel Wellington is still standing and looks like they got a court order to stop the demolition. Hotel Wellington will be holding a garage sale on the 6 and 7th of October, which I have plans to go check out.
Victoria park has had a new mural painted and it has caused some bitter  controversy surrounding the mural by Olivier Bonnard.
Last week it was the ladies that were painted nu dish with their underwear showing, if I remember correctly the article I spied this in. Clothes had to painted on the piece for it to be considered acceptable.
There was a traditional celebration with a 100 lanterns built and lite called the 'Festival Rivières de lumières'. Free workshops were held leading up to the days, folks could sign up for free pottery and wicker lantern classes. The joy of carrying around a handcrafted self made style in unisons to others who participate in the festival.
There was also the 'Festival Bohémia' This festival was a day of discovery in music, fashion and gastronomy. An art-living gathering event, where art, health and spirituality meet  local artists, craftsmen and shopkeepers were seen in the beginning of September.
I went for Jury selection and passed the bilingual test and then returned for the selection process. However, I wasn't their cup a tea as a chosen 'Jury' so there ends my journey, I never made it to 'tryer'. where you sit with the lawyers and Judge and one gets to ask questions to a potential Jury nominated, each rotation of new juries are placed into the seats as 'tryers', 2 at a time.
The end of September had seen us through a heat wave unplanned for. By the 3rd day in I re-installed my air conditioner. I was tired of the heat reading 30 C in my office and bedroom. I needed relief. I had been reading a book in the afternoons, fearing my computer’s fan could not function in that kind of heat. The pages of ‘ Oscar Wilde discovers America’ written by Lewis Edwards. 200 hundred pages in and I couldn't put it down, enjoyable, amusing even.
My two cherry tomatoes pots have all been picked and the stalks cut down to recycling. The ones that weren't green were all placed into a brown paper bag ,'n three days time they’ll ripe for eating. Bit by bit I've taken them out of the bag and placed them in a bowl by the window and as I walk by I pick up a couple and pop them in my mouth like candy
The other day I needed to make a sauce but mostly, I need to go to the shops to restock. So with what I had I made up a sauce for spaghettini sticks that I had.
So I threw frozen 1 cup of mix veggies in the blender and added
4 tbl spoons of vegetable stock
3 garlic cloves
Onions chopped caramelized them along with red peppers.
Fresh parsley
Basil leaves
Pinch of Cumin
Pinch of Paprika
Pinch of Cayenne pepper
a dozen or so cherry tomatoes
One cup of boiled water
And pressed blender grate to liquid
It came out thick and tasty. Added some butter to sauce heating on the stove and poured it over the pasta. Yum.
The harvest moon had my cat Marley jumping up to cling along the slanted windows as her nails grab and dig into a gap between window pane and frame. It’s cute but also worrisome the possible damage she could do with those nails as I yell at her to get down.   The other day while going in and out of the house, Marley sitting on her balcony carpet, looking solemn. I came out to find her walking along the tops of the thin wooden balcony railing, she saw me and then slipped but her nails dug into the wooden sideboard and she caught her balance and proceeded to continue on her mission; regardless of my presence and she jumped down to the stairs to venture off to the balcony below. Causing me to abandoned what I was doing to go fetch her as she is determined to become even more adventurous; by the time I caught up to her as she had descended along the stairs leading to freedom to parts unknown, unexplored, the parking lot. I collected her from the roof built under the stairs that leads to the basement and I scooped her up carried her home. So all the blocking with flower pots on the table and the flower box added to prevent her from jumping over to the stairs has not prevented this clever cat to jump up and walk along the balcony railing to reach the stairs. Life with a cat.
It is approaching 'Thanks giving', a time to celebrate the harvest and count the many blessings bestowed all year long. I have all my traditional favorites ready to float aromas around me of the most mouth watering proportions . Another dinner for one with a movie and some music too. I unlike some I find it pleasant to celebrate my traditional holidays in the style of my making and have a good time doing so. For some though it is a lonely time for them, so if you know of someone who would appreciate a seat at your table, reach out. Or give to a food bank near you as there is always a call out for help as more and more families find they depend on the extra resources.
I picked up a bag of shelled peanuts and a large bag of bird seeds. It's the time a year that 2 bird feeders need filling up everyday; the crows and the blue birds as well as the squirrels need an extra hand out to get them through harsher times to come. I heard the cry of a crow and looked to see where it was hanging, I decided he was in view of what I was about to launch over to the flat roof and threw over some peanuts. I hung back and watched as the crow communicated with another and he flew retrieving the peanut bringing it onto another roof top.
Yesterday the landlord took measurements and took a look at a bubbling of paint on my bathroom wall, had a discussion on how best to repair it. As he was leaving my balcony he announced he was putting up the winter paneling the last week of October to prepare for winter. I had a shawl on during my morning coffee and fresh air and it is a bit nippy compared to last weeks temperatures, but I am not ready for the panels yet my garden is still thriving and flowering it is had to imagine their end in three short weeks.
In the days leading up to 'Thanks Giving day', while in light and quiet reflection, I busy myself with a onion fry up in a newly acquired black pan, paid $9.00 over at Aladdin's second hand store where by the owner acquires his stock from deceased people. As I lift the handle of this heavy cast iron pan, that I've always wanted ; I thank the person with a silent nod out to the previous owner. A simplistic pleasure in an every day use . Drizzling olive oil and a slap of butter I caramelize the onions, the heat is on high and it's calling me to stir it whilst I busy myself with garlic peelings. The pot behind is warming with previously cooked up chick pea beans. This new pot was acquired the same day along side the cast iron. I had ruined the previous pot by leaving it on a low temperature for several hours the final morning of court. I had kept the coffee warm in it as I was expecting a guest with a serious need for a coffee fix being it so early and work hours and sleep switched around. I carelessly left the pot on temperature 2 and it dried down causing all sorts of toxins to seep out of the pot, it's a wonder I didn't cause a fire, the pot was that thick, I was lucky. I''m making humus and I count myself lucky I get to make this, I forgot lemons as I reach for a tiny bit of vinegar to pour in its stead. I've chopped off the tops of the basil plant I just bought at Super C for $2.50. I cut down the flower box of basil that grew outdoors and the new leaves and branches started forming. Wanting to bring it indoors in hopes it will keep producing future basil leaves; I dosed the flower box with a mix of 1 Tbl spoon of dish soap and a 1 tsp of vinegar to a 1 quart of water and poured it over the soil. It's suppose to kill of the tiny bugs that produce their eggs inside the soil when you bring in as an outdoor plant, you bring the bugs in with it. So armed I have a 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with five squirts of dish soap that sits in wait for the curious bugs it attracts and captures their life. So far it's under control. I am adding cumin, cayenne pepper, salt, pepper and the warmed chick peas and oil to the blender. My onions done I press grate and then liquid on the blender, It's a greenish in color and tastes delicious, good enough to dip my morning omelet with pita bread in it, some could be used for soup base and the rest a sauce.
 I gaze over and notice Marley is up from her nap sprawled out on the bed earlier she walked over and jumped up on the table of plants with enough space for her to sit or look out the kitchen window surveying life below. As I poured my finally cup of coffee, I wondered what I had last eaten and thought oatmeal, last night. It's late afternoon what do I want to eat. I pour out 3/4 of the basil humus from the blender and stick it in a container for the fridge; the remaining humus I added a table spoon of veggie stock with a half cup of hot water, some mix frozen veggies and zapped the blender. This would go well with a fry up of some onions and mushrooms, Marley is meowing at me now. The activity is making her hungry. She lays down at the kitchen entrance, looking patient, in wait, she knows it will be her turn soon. The spaghettini noodles is cooking in the other pot, I stir in the sauce from the blender over the fried onion and mushrooms and mix, adding a TBL spoon or more of butter, globed on top, waiting to melt, inviting a blend in. As I pour out the hot water separating the cooked noodles, placing them back in the pot to pour the sauce over it , keeping it on low, warming it for later. I glance over at Marley, she is licking her back leg, she's been fed and is in a quiet contentment mode. My heart feels gladness for her. I scratch her head and feel the vibration of her purring commence, muttering how she is a beautiful baby. I get up to sort out the dirty dishes that need my attention now. How do I feel most blessed this Thanks Giving? I ponder; it's in the simple things, a good days graft, to a great meal put together, a hot drink in the early hours greeted with an ah -'mazing rainbow of sunrise colors.
To a great tasting glass of wine while surveying outside. The sound of a chickadee letting you know it's perched near by. To spy-ing a squirrel running along the hydro line. Favorite music gently playing in the back ground holding fond memories in each note. Listening to the voice of a loved one going on and on at the other end of the telephone line. Soothing to the senses, smells, sight and sounds. I'd say, I am grateful for the little things I'm tingled by in everyday life.

Life is good, everyday written ©LeeMarie
I have much to appreciate everyday.
 I am grateful whenever I lay my head down to sleep.
 I cozy up to my pillow, feel the cool sheet against my summer tanned skin.
Contented to feel safe and warm this night.
  I count my blessing even when it feels like it's all too much, 
 to handle.
I tell myself it will all work out 
 be what its meant to birth.
I've learned to live with the highs and lows
darkness floats in trying to plague me.
Melancholy blues don't let it linger for long inside me.  
I have all that I need and sometimes extra.
I am loved, adored even by the smallest of creatures, 
I am championed, encouraged,, challenged.
let the light shine inside and out. 
There's beauty all a bound and it's all designed
 to take pleasure in it too and so I do.
I get caught up with music, I bend the knee to all those geniuses.
 Mother nature's answer to the burning question, what's an existence?
I think fondly of others, my family and friends I love you and I'll dance.
With the soul's rhythm and rhyme. 
Fall back into believing, while I pirouette;
Life is good, Every day. Amen

From my family to yours wishing you all A Joyful and blessed Thanks Giving weekend
Until next time stay active, stead fast and true to you
Cheers XO

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photography! I love autumn colors, and that squirrel next to your flower pots is so cute!



Thank you for taking the time. Kind Regards LM